Incorrect Observations

Thurs­day night, bus from a Bris­bane sub­urb. The pas­sen­gers are over­whelm­ingly 20 some­things going into town for a night out. The largest pro­por­tion are eth­nic Indian and Chi­nese. Just inside the door, two trans­port police are being offi­cious, check­ing every­one. Halfway into the jour­ney an old Abo­rig­i­nal man stag­gers onto the bus. He is very, very drunk, can hardly stand up. He takes maybe five min­utes to find a fare in his rags. He smells like a brew­ery. This char­ac­ter lurches down the aisle utter­ing inco­her­ent threats to every­one in gen­eral, the only con­nec­tive word being fuck… fuck… fuck. The trans­port cops look appalled and con­flicted. What should they do? At the next stop they sud­denly dis­cover that they both have an urgent need to be on another bus.

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